Saturday, June 19, 2010
Feathers & Other Poems
Feathers and Other Poems is a collection of twenty two (22) poems published in India and abroad between 2004 to 2010 written by the emerging poet and writer Khurshid Alam. These poems belong to the contemporary Indian Writing in the English canon. The anthology also includes the poems of the Investigative Poetry genre on which Khurshid Alam is working seriously. In this genre, Khurshid belongs to the writers as such Charles Olson and Edward Sanders.
The anthology is available in soft copy form and at a very cheap price of $1.25 only. If purchased in bulk, a special discount is also available.
To but the e-book, please send an email to:
CLRI Payment
Contemporary Literary Review: India (CLRI) is looking for Ads Executive
Contemporary Literary Review: India (CLRI) is looking for Ads Executive
Contemporary Literary Review: India (CLRI) is looking for Ads Executive for its various versions. CLRI is a literary journal which brings out Kindle edition and is soon to launch its print version. For more details, visit:
Position: Ads Executive
Location: Anywhere from India.
Work Responsibility: Collecting ads and subscription for its various versions.
Salary: Incentive based.
Qualification: Good to speak, write and work in English language. Degree not a condition.
Experience: Should already be earning as this position is not salary based, it is incentive based. So think before you jump!
Facility: We will provide basic training and system about how to work.
Contact: Send your resume at: writersdeskinfo(at)yahoo(.)co(.)in